
Islamic Toys?

This story is rather sad if true. Children should not be exposed to religion at all, and certainly not through back handed tactics like these.


Izgad said...

What do you mean when you say that children should not be exposed to religon at all? Should we not allow children to read the Bible or the Koran? I am not a Muslim, but if my child wanted to read the Koran I would gladly give him a copy to read. Should I not allow my child to read Paradise Lost or any Greek mythology? Voltaire's Candide has a lot about religion in it. Should I ban that from my house too?

Ed said...

Without religion a book like the Koran or the Bible is just like any other myth!

A good knowledge of these faiths is the best path to atheism after all! A knoweldge of religious texts is also very important in understanding later works.

I was being over the top with no exposure.

Izgad said...

As a historian I approach texts from the perspective of those who read them in past ages. Not to judge those people, but to simply try to understand them. So in reading the Bible or the Koran with my child I would have to confront the idea that people did and still do take these texts very seriously as the word of God. So my child would be exposed to religion. As a historian I would feel the need to defend those religious beliefs held by people in the past whether they were Jewish Christian or Muslim and try to show that they were not crazy. They may have been wrong but that is something else.

Ed said...

I agree with you. They should be taken in context, but even then they are wrong. But wrong in a different way to religious people today, who should know better.

I guess I'd make a different distinction between religion and history than you. I find the history of religious belief fascinating. I have spent some time in the holy land visiting important sites, and it's fascinating, beautiful and slightly tragic.

